Red alert: Voting machines vulnerable to Russian attack

le Kremlin la nuit

This happened in Las Vegas, but the weaknesses in U.S. voting equipment uncovered during a summer hackathon are too important to stay there, experts say: They’re a matter of national security. A new report breaks down the lessons learned at DEFCON 25, which amounted to a concentrated attack—orchestrated in the name of public safety—on the programming…

One thought on “Red alert: Voting machines vulnerable to Russian attack

  1. If the Rooskies are engaged in cyberwarfare against us or our allies, then that is an act of war, by definition. All who give aid and comfort to rooskies and their support and encourage and helpdirct their attacks are, by constitutional definition, traitors; they should be hanged until dead dead dead (ht: Tremaine, Star Trek season 3).

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