Rat’s nest

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The current FBI director needs to clean out the rat’s nest that is the NYC bureau. Unbelievable:

House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday he hadn’t heard at the time that FBI agents had tipped off committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) about finding Clinton emails on disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

“This is the first that we’ve heard about it,” Schiff told NBC “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd.

The revelation that Weiner’s laptop contained emails of Clinton’s, and that the FBI would reopen its investigation into Clinton’s private email server in order to look into them, rocked the 2016 presidential campaign days before the election. The emails were ultimately deemed irrelevant to the investigation two days before Election Day.

On Friday, Nunes told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham “we had whistle blowers that came to us in late September of 2016, who talked to us about this laptop sitting up in New York that had additional emails on it. The House Intelligence Committee, we had that, but we couldn’t do anything with it.”

Was Anthony Weiner catfished?

Anthony Weiner Placed In Protective Custody–Will Turn State’s Evidence Against Hillary!

It sure sounds like it.

Goodman’s Mail story, immediately picked up by other media, created a huge splash. Speaking with WhoWhatWhy, Johnson credits the story’s virality to what he calls his paid online “troll army,” adding, “I made sure it was amplified all over Twitter.”

The teen reportedly sent Weiner two email “letters,” one under false pretenses, to a fake email address that was purportedly her teacher’s — which Weiner was cc’d on — and the second after she had spoken with the Daily Mail. To some skeptics, the second letter is especially puzzling. At times the writer seems anxious to apologize; at other moments she is a self-righteous avenger reveling in her ability to injure Weiner. The language is a curious mishmash of half-formed and even contradictory ideas.

In lengthy blog-post, controversial former UK MP and anti-Trump activist Louise Mensch, noted that the teenager’s letter contains passages lifted from famous writers such as J.D. Salinger, David Foster Wallace, Chuck Palahniuk and Charles Bukowski.

The writer switches from first to third person (For example: “You took advantage of her young, naive mind. She was infatuated with you. You should be glad that I am one of the most disensitized [sic] teenagers.”) And she admits to using trickery such as setting up a fake gmail account and “ten minute mail.”

Later, the teen will release a letter to Comey complaining that her efforts to keep Weiner from harming other teens now had become politicized and could affect the election.

Critics have said that letter differs from other communications purportedly authored by the teen, which they claim suggests the teen does not exist, or was a surrogate for others.

When I first started to hear this story, I thought it was crazy. It doesn’t sound so crazy now.