Ron Paul

You heard his “let them die” speech from the other night, right? Turns out he practices what he preaches. Ron’s 49-year-old former campaign manager died of pneumonia, penniless and uninsured. Ron didn’t lift a finger to help him, and the guy’s mother was stuck with the $400,000 bill. Freedom!

One thought on “Ron Paul

  1. It’s a cute story alright. From a little goggling, I see that Mr. Snyder was in the hospital for two months on everyone else’s dime. He thought he was living his life according to his value system, then in the end, he was what he’d call a “parasite.” To top it off, he was gay and using his considerable talents (and it looks like he was very good at his job) to help Republicans and Libertarians. I’m at the point now where all I can say is, good riddence to bad rubbish.

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