5 thoughts on “90 degrees in the winter

  1. Ummm South Dakota (94 F) is in the Northern Hemisphere, and yes Rochester Minnesota was damned hot, too. 80* degrees. Don’t know where “Runge” is, but conceivably also South Dakota. There is more than one Santiago in the world.
    Maybe, maybe there is global warming from some other source(s) than anthropogenic CO2, maybe these other sources outgas CO2 from the ocean. But anthropogenic CO2 IS a control variable, AND it happens to be about the only one over which we humans can exert any influence, if we wished to mitigate or remediate the process.

  2. If you own real estate along Florida’s spine, actually an ancient sand dune, you will shorly have ocean front property. Which is probably why Walt Disney located his theme parks inland.

  3. This is what interglacial warming looks like.

    Have you seen “Frozen Planet”? It’s spectacular.
    Link: http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/frozen-planet/
    Alec Baldwin narrates the opening:

    “Over one-third of the Earth is frozen, but the icy worlds of the Arctic and Antarctica are as alien to us as the surface of another planet,” Baldwin says. “This is our planet’s last true wilderness, one that is changing just as we are beginning to understand it.”
    He goes on to say that nearly 80 percent of the world’s fresh water is frozen in the polar ice caps.

    Interglacial warming: Not such a bad thing.

    What an amazing planet this is and how spectacular to be alive to enjoy it. The only thing constant in nature is change.

  4. “Imhotep 21 March 2012 at 10:29 am Permalink

    If you own real estate along Florida’s spine, actually an ancient sand dune, you will shorly have ocean front property. Which is probably why Walt Disney located his theme parks inland.”

    Umm, not really. A nominal rate of 5mm per year isn’t very fast.
    Words to the wise: Don’t live beside the sea.

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