The U.N. is coming

Just plain batshit crazy:

President Obama is using a Cold War-era mind-control technique known as “Delphi” to coerce Americans into accepting his plan for a United Nations-run communist dictatorship in which suburbanites will be forcibly relocated to cities. That’s according to a four-hour briefing delivered to Republican state senators at the Georgia state Capitol last month.

On October 11, at a closed-door meeting of the Republican caucus convened by the body’s majority leader, Chip Rogers, a tea party activist, told Republican lawmakers that Obama was mounting this most diabolical conspiracy. The event—captured on tape by a member of the Athens-based watchdog Better Georgia (who was removed from the room after 52 minutes)—had been billed as an information session on Agenda 21, a nonbinding UN agreement that commits member nations to promote sustainable development. In the eyes of conservative activists, Agenda 21 is a nefarious plot that includes forcibly relocating non-urban-dwellers and prescribing mandatory contraception as a means of curbing population growth. The invitation to the Georgia state Senate event noted the presentation would explain: “How pleasant sounding names are fostering a Socialist plan to change the way we live, eat, learn, and communicate to ‘save the earth.'”

Agenda 21 Full Video from Bryan Long on Vimeo.

7 thoughts on “The U.N. is coming

  1. Before the “Reagan Revolution”®, clowns like this would have never made it to the public arena. They would have drifted around the fringes of the John Birch Society, passing out their pamphlets on street corners.

  2. The John Birch Society only became a laughingstock later. In the late 1950s – early 60s, they were I think in much the same position as these delusionals are now. (I was a kid then, so I may have missed a lot.) Most of the country thought they were irrelevant nuts, but they did hold some real power and they got way more respectful attention than paranoids escaped from mental hospitals should have had. Which is pretty much the same as now, isn’t it? Except that we no longer have mental hospitals.

  3. “Oh, we’re the John Birch Society
    The John Birch Society
    Here to save our country from a Communistic plot!”

    A satirical ditty sung by the Chad Mitchell Trio, c. 1962

  4. If only I had the money to rent a few black helicopters and fly them over the meeting. And maybe follow a few as they left. 🙂

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