Harry Reid: Piggie of the Week

If there’s one thing you can almost always count on, it’s the ability of the Democratic leadership to to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

And so it was that, after a full year of complaining and whining about Mitch McConnell’s duplicity, and expressing public regrets for not reforming the filibuster, Harry Reid chickened out.

Over at Scrapple TV, we were none too pleased with Mr. Reid. Please enjoy our little contribution.

2 thoughts on “Harry Reid: Piggie of the Week

  1. I am flabbergasted by this ” it’s the ability of the Democratic leadership to to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.”
    Do you seriously believe Harry wanted filibuster form? Seriously?
    I think he won – he got exactly what he wanted – dysfunction in the senate and Dems will continue to play “good cop, bad cop” game. I recommend reading Lance Selfa’s “Democrats A critical history” from a left perspective. The Dems are admirably performing their primary role – of diluting the liberal grassroots movement(s).

  2. I think if you watch the video, you’ll see that you and I agree: this was a deliberate move to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” on Reid’s part. DELIBERATE.

    It’s gonna bite him in the ass and then I am going to call his office and make fun of him.

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