Crazy commercial

Is there really a grown woman in this world who would be turned on by getting a human-sized Vermont Teddy Bear for Valentine’s Day? “It’ll pay off for you,” the voiceover croons while a scantily-clad babe caresses her bear. Could this possibly work? Or am I just not cynical enough?

9 thoughts on “Crazy commercial

  1. Oh, it’ll work. Just take a look at all of the news presenters on the FOX news(?) network. Or at Sarah Palin or Michelle Half-bakedman et al.

  2. Jesus Tracey, wouldn’t that be like cutting off your nose to spite your face. A kick in the balls? Better a kick in the ass. But never the balls or the mouth. 🙂

  3. I saw that last night for the first time and And they’re $100. Infantilization of women is everywhere I’m assuming to pander to the hidden pedophile in a huge chunk of the male population.

  4. Valentine’s Day is such a load of crap. Expensive, fixed priced menus, overpriced flowers, and dumb cards. And, what would an adult want with an enormous teddy bear anyway?

  5. I was being facetious and my boyfriend knows better than that – cell phone minutes, an oil change for the car, clothing and other practical items are wonderful ways to say “I love you.” Going out in the cold morning to start the car & warm it up says so too!

  6. I assume you’ve never heard of Furries and Plushies, two esoteric fetish subcultures? You can google it, but be forewarned: you’ll nebrain blea
    Yes, there are women (and men) who would go for that. In ways you don’t want to think about.

  7. I really can’t comment on “who would be turned on,” but no girlfriend I’ve had since Junior High would be impressed by a human sized Teddy Bear. I don’t know if they’d have kicked me in the nads, but I’d never have heard the end about all the shit that I could have gotten instead of that bear.

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