Being white in Philly Mag

[I saw the story title again today in a CVS, in big bold white caps. It’s the end of the world!]

Chances are slim that Philadelphia Magazine‘s March cover piece, “Being White in Philly,” by Robert Huber, was meant as anything more than an exercise in cynicism. Huber had to know that his confused personal impressions regarding race relations didn’t add up to an actual story. And his editor surely saw that the piece was ill-conceived and unresolved, more likely to stir up resentment than encourage dialogue between black and white city residents.


Huber affected the “why can’t we all get along” tone of a white Rodney King, but with little bombs of condescension that could only have been meant to provoke:

But like many people, I yearn for much more: that I could feel the freedom to speak to my African-American neighbors about, say, not only my concerns for my son’s safety living around Temple, but how the inner city needs to get its act together.

Substituting “inner city” made Huber’s generalization seem even more insulting than it would have if he’d used “blacks.” His professed yearning to speak to his black neighbors reminds us that he didn’t quote, and perhaps didn’t even speak with, any black Philadelphians while doing his research (if you can call it that).

It seems the article was meant to piss off blacks while appealing to the magazine’s core demographic — reasonably well-off and well-educated whites who respond to ads for luxury cars and liposuction. Huber and Philly Mag were saying it’s OK for these whites to think of themselves as tolerant despite their fear and loathing of blacks; that it’s only natural to feel this way about people who, after all these years, still can’t get their act together.

Huber was writing more about class than race, but acknowledging this fact would have called attention to the superficiality of his analysis. He offered a brief history of white flight from Philly, but mentioned none of the underlying socioeconomic factors that have widened the gulf not only between whites and blacks but also between the well-off and poor of both races.

There’s an even wider gulf between bad journalism and the truth. I was there, growing up in a Philly neighborhood that was transitioning from white to black in the 1960s-1970s, hanging out with other white kids who were engaged in an ongoing street war with black kids. The shootings and stabbings were manifestations of forces that all of us, black and white, couldn’t control or even understand.

These forces are still at work, and articles such as Huber’s do nothing to shed light on why they persist. But they do boost print sales and online traffic, and that’s the bottom line.

2 thoughts on “Being white in Philly Mag

  1. Contemporarey conservatism has devolved into one long whine about victimization and loss of privilege.

  2. Oh, please. White kids engaged in a street war with black kids in the 60’s and 70’s — you are not serious. I remember the era, the era of black riots that preceded cities going from majority white to overwhelming majority black because whites left in fear of blacks. Its a fact and now those cities are in ruins. Thats what needs to be discussed openly, the ruins. Every once in a while someone gets the courage to say something. I remember the NYC garbage strike in the late 60’s and someone asking “Whose garbage is it?” to the whining about black neighborhoods filling up with garbage. It wasn’t happening in the white neighborhoods and they didn’t have service either.

    White people fear black crime and violence with good reason. Blacks are far more racist than whites ever were. I know plenty of white liberals and they all live in areas that are very white.

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