After the deluge

I was in Sea Bright, NJ this weekend, looking at the remains of Hurricane Sandy. It was, in a word, overwhelming. Five months later, the town still looks like a ghost town. They’re rebuilding the sea wall, but battered, boarded-up houses and businesses are everywhere. And the sand! Everywhere.

I saw one house that was moved 20 feet or so in the air. It seems just plain crazy that they’re “remediating” these houses. Just putting the issue aside of whether or not they should be rebuilding in the same location (they shouldn’t), they will never get all the mold out of everything, and it’s a health hazard.

Personally, I think they should demolish all the houses and replace them with manufactured houses. (Which are pretty good quality nowadays.) If you insist on living in the path of disaster, manufactured houses are the most rational solution.

In related news, a climate scientist predicted this week that we will experience storms like this on the average of every two years now.

Hat tip to Colleen Kirby.