One thought on “Poor, poor bankers

  1. I think country clubs provide crisis management teams for members . . . the poor dears.
    The Chief Executive Whiner (CEW) for UBS has a point, though. It’s silly to be bashing banks or corporations. Banks and Corporations, like the concept of the ‘free market,’ are not people, they don’t have consciences, ethics, or integrity. Those are human traits. It’s much more accurate, and satisfying, to hate Ermottis, Dimons, Kochs, and Adelsons, the amoral crime family owners, CE whatevers, majority shareholders and board members that personally make the decisions that victimize all of humanity for their own selfish and self-serving aggrandizement. The legalistic fiction of banks, hedge funds, and corporations was created to camouflage the venal inhumanity of owners and investors. Screw UBS, it’s Ermotti’s head, and those of his fellow officers, I want to see on a pike.

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