Here comes the clown car

It’s that time again:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a presumptive 2016 presidential contender, wants the current 2016 presumptive frontrunner Hillary Clinton to be dragged in front of the House’s new committee on Benghazi to testify about the attacks.

Paul said Monday that the House select committee on Benghazi should subpoena the former secretary of state to testify as part of its investigation.

“Absolutely,” Paul said when asked about a subpoena during an interview Monday with host Eric Bolling on Fox News. “One, we need to know who was responsible and she was in charge. But two, we need to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”

“Some big mistakes were made under Hillary Clinton’s watch,” he continued. “Somebody needs to ultimately accept responsibility for this.”

These politicians aren’t that stupid. They already know that statements don’t go out without vetting, a lot of people have their fingers on it and there’s simply no way there’s anything nefarious about it. I’d have no problem saying so if I believed it.

One thought on “Here comes the clown car

  1. Wicked or villainous? Probably not. But we have yet to get the full story on this matter. Like why our ambassador was visiting that CIA station? On September 11. Or who trained the group, there was only one group, that attacked that CIA station? Libya has been a mess since the first shots were fired. Of course the oil keeps flowing so somebody is getting rich. And it’s not the common folk in Libya. This is a very good issue to follow until the bitter end. Maybe we’ll all become a tad more enlightened as to how our government actually works behind that curtain.

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