They were terrorists, not children


What a dance of rhetorical bullshit. Jodi Roduren has made it clear she believes her job is to support Israel. Apparently her bosses are okay with that:

On August 5, The New York Times published a highly problematic article “Civilian or Not? New Fight in Tallying the Dead from Gaza Conflict”, that presented information supporting dubious Israeli government claims that 900 Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza, or around half of all Palestinian killed in Gaza in Israel’s current offensive, were “terrorists.” This assertion flies in the face of consensus reporting over the last month indicating much higher Palestinian civilian casualty figures.

Yet another example of bad New York Times’ reporting on Gaza, the article by Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief Jodi Rudoren deserves debunking on many levels. It is built on unsupported claims by the Israeli government about whom Israel killed. Rudoren’s article fails to explain consensus positions in international law on who is a combatant, or explain Israel’s position on them. It also presents information in a way that profiles all Palestinian males age 15 – 60 as possible terrorists potentially deserving of death, and inappropriately limits the age of children to 0-14 years. More broadly, Jodi Rudoren’s article supports an Israeli government PR push to revise the history of Israel’s attack on Gaza to make Israel look better by asserting that Israel killed far more combatants and far fewer children than has been widely reported.

3 thoughts on “They were terrorists, not children

  1. Hillary strongly defended Israel’s action in Gaza in her Atlantic interview. She said that she didn’t understand why the world’s response to Israel’s bombing campaign was so “harsh.” She said that the criticism was “unjustified.” Hillary obviously feels that the deaths of 2000 Palestinians and the wounding of 10,000 more by the Zionists is no big deal. Which makes sense because Hillary is today what Hillary has always been, an interventionist warmonger. Once a Goldwater Girl, always a Goldwater Girl. “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, tolerance in the defense of tyranny is no virtue.” That remains to battle cry of every misguided cold warrior.

  2. So a 15-year old is an adult? Or just Palestinian 15-year olds?

    Where do you even start with that?

  3. They were killed so obviously they were terrorists or would have become terrorists. Unfortunately, we’re all terrorists and therefore expendable according to the 1%’s new world order.

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