Progressive tactics in a post-nuclear (option) world

Democrats push McConnell toward nuclear option on Gorsuch

Two major legislative moments lie behind us now: the failure of the Trump/Ryan healthcare tax-cut bill and the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. On the raw numbers, progressives are 1-1, but we could be 0-2 if Republicans had been able to agree how badly to hurt many of Agent Orange’s voters by repealing…

3 thoughts on “Progressive tactics in a post-nuclear (option) world

  1. A. J. Neff is like the House of Bourbon: he/she has forgotten nothing and has learned nothing. Neff was wrong in the past about everything and is wrong now. About Everything. The split in the Democratic party is Never Ever going to be fixed until the people running it into the ground admit that they rigged the primary in favor of an unpopular candidate with vaguely shitty centrist policies supported by a wishy-washy cabal of congenitally dishonest, mealymouthed hippy-punching DLC weenie-Third Way-Fifth Columnists who are waging a class war against everyone at or below the middle class. The election of the good-for-nothing shit-for-brains Tom Perez was the last fucking straw. These people are clueless, beltway, Nancy-Reagan-pantsuit-wearing losers who lose elections because they’re really Eisenhower era Republicans and their last successful presidential candidate was further to the right than Richard Milhouse Fucking Nixon. Yes, everything old really is new again. Not helping is the fact that BHO annihilated the state party infrastructure to support his presidential campaigns, and HRC siphoned off state funds for her primary and general election campaigns. How wonderful that A.J. Neff isn’t blaming Greens any more. A. J. Neff fucked up. And Susie, you fucked up. How about you hippy-punching reach-across-the-aisles negotiating geniuses who lose elections to the likes of Paul Ryan (his seat wasn’t even contested this election cycle: Another gift from Deborah Wasserman Schultz?!?!?) start negotiating with irate Bernie supporters instead of Mitch McFuckingconnell? No wonder the Republicans don’t take you seriously.

  2. Who died and made this smug asshole and Howard “Lobbyist for Middle Eastern Terrorist Organizations” Dean spokespeople for the DNC?

    Must have been Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations that died, that’s who. Oh, and bonus points, the fucktards at ZeroHedge get to lump all of us up with sellout Clinton campaign neoconservative war monger dead-enders. Heckofajob, Clintonistas.

    Center for American Progress indeed. More like, Center for the Continued Destruction of the Democratic Party.

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