Hearts and bones

Thirty or so years ago, I did a phone interview with the late Maggie Roche of the Roches. It was shortly after my divorce. We hit it off and talked for several hours (I remember her telling me how hard it was for her sister Suzzy to rent an apartment with her kid. “Isn’t that illegal?” I said. “You don’t know New York real estate,” she said tartly.)

I remember my kitchen was cold; I stared at the cigarette burns on the green Congoleum floor from the previous tenants, who were junkies. I wanted to go to bed, but we couldn’t stop talking. She talked about Paul Simon producing their first album, and I mentioned that Hearts And Bones was my favorite Paul Simon album. “Oh!” she said. “I have to tell him that. It’s his favorite, too, but the critics didn’t like it, it didn’t sell, and it really broke his heart.”

‘Impeach the malefactor’ is way too polite

I was on the Blue Route last week, driving carefully to avoid being pulled over by the sort of sneaky cop who nailed me on Labor Day in a speed trap near Norristown, PA. All was well until a Chevy Suburban doing 90 mph blew past my ancient Acura.

“Motherfucker!” I shouted, dashing my New Year’s resolution.

“Your favorite word,” said my friend Swamp Rabbit, who was riding shotgun and laughing. “I knew you couldn’t give it up.”

My resolution had been to substitute the word ‘malefactor’ for the other mf-word every time I got angry . If some wise guy got on my case I would say, “What’s it to you, malefactor?” Same number of syllables, same hard consonants, but no sex with relatives.

“Where’d ya git that word, anyhow?” the rabbit said.

I told him ‘malefactor’ comes from the Latin and refers to one who breaks the law in a big way. Teddy Roosevelt famously used the word to criticize the greedy corporate chiefs who imperiled the economy in the early 20th century. “Malefactors of great wealth,” he called them.

“You can apply the word to all sorts of rotten people,” I explained. “It’s more polite than the dirty mf-word.”

The rabbit drank from his flask and said, “Tell it to that Congress lady who dissed Trump a few weeks back. She said ‘impeach the motherfucker,’ and she didn’t use no asterisks.”

“Trump bragged about grabbing women by the pussy,” I replied. “So I guess the Congresswoman figured it was okay to call him a dirty name.”

Swamp Rabbit took another drink and shook his head. “Talking like Trump just drags you down to his level, don’t you think?”

I pushed down on the gas pedal and stared into the dark up ahead. “The people who elected Trump dragged all of us down to his level. We’re stuck there till the motherfucker is gone.”

That was two f-bombs in ten minutes, and I figured there would be many more. It was going to be a very long year, and I was already out of resolutions.

Mitch speaks

Imagine how bad this is that even Mitch McConnell feels compelled to say something: