What Santorum really meant

Thoughtful essay from Chauncy DeVega at We Are Respectable Negroes, in which he calls Rick Santorum a race baiter.

I don’t see how any reasonable person can argue with that. In fact, it’s true of all Republican presidential candidates (and their Senate caucus) whether they speak in code or not. They’ve salted the language so thoroughly with their racial dog whistles, it’s almost impossible for one of them to give a speech without one.

I’ve known a lot of people who work on the Hill, and they tell me that most of these Republicans are not racist, but simply politicians who cynically use divide-and-conquer tactics anyway. I say, it doesn’t matter. By picking up the tools of racism and using them for their own benefit, what difference does it make?

2 thoughts on “What Santorum really meant

  1. No, they are racists. Not the rabid, foaming at the mouth redneck kind. Just your typical suburban know it all who gives a little sneer on cue when he hears or delivers the code words.

  2. I agree with you, Susie. Their personal beliefs about race are irrelevant when they continue to spout racist rhetoric.

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