Pink slime economics

Krugman points out what Brad DeLong was saying more directly: Namely, why would you make painful cuts to social programs in the name of addressing the deficit when the Republicans will blow it all up with tax cuts for the rich the minute they gain control? It’s what they’ve always done:

So the Ryan budget is a fraud; Mr. Ryan talks loudly about the evils of debt and deficits, but his plan would actually make the deficit bigger even as it inflicted huge pain in the name of deficit reduction. But is his budget really the most fraudulent in American history? Yes, it is.

To be sure, we’ve had irresponsible and/or deceptive budgets in the past. Ronald Reagan’s budgets relied on voodoo, on the claim that cutting taxes on the rich would somehow lead to an explosion of economic growth. George W. Bush’s budget officials liked to play bait and switch, low-balling the cost of tax cuts by pretending that they were only temporary, then demanding that they be made permanent. But has any major political figure ever premised his entire fiscal platform not just on totally implausible spending projections but on claims that he has a secret plan to raise trillions of dollars in revenue, a plan that he refuses to share with the public?

What’s going on here? The answer, presumably, is that this is what happens when extremists gain complete control of a party’s discourse: all the rules get thrown out the window. Indeed, the hard right’s grip on the G.O.P. is now so strong that the party is sticking with Mr. Ryan even though it’s paying a significant political price for his assault on Medicare.

Now, the House Republican budget isn’t about to become law as long as President Obama is sitting in the White House. But it has been endorsed by Mr. Romney. And even if Mr. Obama is reelected, the fraudulence of this budget has important implications for future political negotiations.

Bear in mind that the Obama administration spent much of 2011 trying to negotiate a so-called Grand Bargain with Republicans, a bipartisan plan for deficit reduction over the long term. Those negotiations ended up breaking down, and a minor journalistic industry has emerged as reporters try to figure out how the breakdown occurred and who was responsible.

But what we learn from the latest Republican budget is that the whole pursuit of a Grand Bargain was a waste of time and political capital. For a lasting budget deal can only work if both parties can be counted on to be both responsible and honest — and House Republicans have just demonstrated, as clearly as anyone could wish, that they are neither.

2 thoughts on “Pink slime economics

  1. “99% Spring” April 9-15. Check your local listings. The Constitution does not require that the President submit a budget. Nor does it require that the Congress submit a budget. That’s the first fraud the Republicans perpetrate. The second fraud is the Republican claim that budgets shouldn’t be political documents. That’s what all budgets are. Political documents. That’s all that they have ever been. The only thing that the political Party’s need to agree about is how to spend money and on what. Say fighting illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Or giving tax breaks to the rich. Once they agree about that they must pass a bill authorizing the expenditure. In a word budgets are bullshit.

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