Suicide’s widow stilll fighting Wells Fargo

The big picture is disgusting — the fact that the Obama administration is letting the big banks get away with grand-scale fraud and harassment in foreclosure proceedings against millions of desperate homeowners. But the individual stories, including that of Norman and Oriane Rousseau, are infuriating. Norman, as you may have read, killed himself two weeks ago, at the point when the couple’s long battle against Wells Fargo seemed lost:

From The Raw Story:

[The story] began in May 2009, when Wachovia, now part of Wells Fargo, told the Rousseaus they had missed a mortgage payment on their home in Newbury Park, an hour outside Los Angeles.

Even though the Rousseaus had made the payment – and had the receipt to prove it – that kicked off a foreclosure process they were never able to escape, battling against the seemingly careless bureaucracy of a major American bank that eventually took their home…

…Wells Fargo still intends to evict Oriane, though it has temporarily suspended proceedings.

Read the whole story.