Moyers: ‘You can only push your subjects so far’

Earlier this week, Mitt Romney and his handlers flaunted the Republican Party’s contempt for the 99 percent by holding several fund-raisers at the Hamptons, one of them at the estate of billionaire right-wing activist David Koch. This classic “let them eat cake” event indicated the GOP is literally banking on the notion that the poor and near-poor will be awed into voting for the very people who continue to exploit them.

I couldn’t help but wonder, as usual, at what point Americans will realize these arrogant would-be aristocrats, with plenty of help from the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision — have made a sick joke of democracy by and for the people.

Mild-mannered, compassionate Bill Moyers wondered the same thing. How much blatant celebration by the GOP of the widening gap between rich and poor is too much for average Americans to stomach? He thinks we might be at the tipping point:

… Three things don’t go together: Money. Secrecy. Democracy. And that’s the nub of the matter. This is all a sham for invalidating democracy in the name of democracy. It’s the trick authoritarians always use to hide their real intention – in this case absolute power over our public life and institutions: the privatization of everything. The Supreme Court is pointing the way. Instead of mitigating the worst excesses of both the state and the private sector, the Court has taken sides. Saying to the massed wealth of the one percent: America is yours for the taking, for the buying…

More here.

3 thoughts on “Moyers: ‘You can only push your subjects so far’

  1. The tipping point will come in November IF…….IF every Republican (and ONLY Republicans) holding any public office or running for public office is defeated. If that doesn’t happen this mess will continue into infinity.

  2. Do you really think if Congress were 100% Dem that Obama would do anything! Dream on. He came in on a wave of optimism with a bullet proof congress and blew it. This guy is more of a hopeless wimp than George Herbert Bush. I am still asking myself how Bush II pulled everything off. Guess he’s not as stupid as I thought.

  3. “Bullet proof congress”……you’re kidding right? Not only has Obama had to fight against the obstructionist Republicans, he has also had to fight against the leftover Clintonite Blue Dog Democrats. “Asking myself how Bush II pulled everything off”……you get elected and crash two airplanes into the World Trade center bringing them down and scaring the shit out of several hundred million Americans is how you do it. Bush II was/is about as smart as the people who believe that getting rid of Obama will solve anything. Obama may not be up to your standards, but electing Mr. 1% and ANY other Republican will get you more trickle down economics and 2 more unwinnable and bankrupting wars. You can’t teach common sense.

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