Big Oil vs. clean energy: no contest

The more money they make, the more they want:

…Koch Industries and fossil fuel groups are mobilizing to defeat the extension of modest tax incentives for wind energy, even though oil tax breaks are permanent. The American Energy Alliance, which has Koch ties, aims to make the credit “so toxic” for Republicans it would be “impossible for John Boehner to sit at a table with Harry Reid.” The Koch-funded Americans For Prosperity is also campaigning against wind energy. Meanwhile, the industry has argued its own century-old tax breaks are necessary to maintain, despite years of record-breaking profits…

One thought on “Big Oil vs. clean energy: no contest

  1. The worse it gets for the many, the better it gets for the few. If you believe you’re free simply because the 1% allows you to vote every so often, then you’re fooling yourself. Get involved in the process and take the oligarchy down from the inside.

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