Banking on ‘low-information’ voters

Has any presidential candidate in history lied more frequently and with as much squeaky-clean earnestness as Mittens? Mainstream reporters would be asking this question if they weren’t trained to equate telling the truth with being biased. They don’t ask, or tell, so Dems have to keep cleaning up after Romney as he slimes his way through Ohio:

2 thoughts on “Banking on ‘low-information’ voters

  1. Very effective response, but entirely foreseeable. Rove may counsel attacking your opponent on your weakness, here you see what happens. The race returns to an issue on which you have a big problem. Rather than focusing on the debt, unemployment or the anemic recovery, Romney spends another precious dwindling day with everyone thinking about the auto bail out in Ohio. Ground lost.

  2. Screw Romoney. I hope he continues making a perfect idiot of himself.
    And, in so far as I’m concerned, he ‘loses ground’ every time he opens his lyin-ass pie hole.

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