3 thoughts on “AP: Chavez wasted money on healthcare

  1. OK this one had my jaw dropping to the ground. Srsly – she held up Dubai???? as the pinnacle of societal achievement? Dubai….built with slave labor…..and had to be rescued from financial ruin just a couple years ago?…that Dubai??? The tackiest gaudiest hellhole capitalism can buy Dubai??? It is unfckingbelievable how stupid and morally bankrupt the media is.

  2. Stupid they ain’t, morally bankrupt they are. Those who don’t appreciate what Chavez did for the poor in his country are generally fascists, Capitalists and Republican voters. The same greedy bastards who wanted Chavez to increase his oil production to drive down the price of oil so that stupid Americans could buy cheap gas to drive to the corner store and cause more global warming. Our problem isn’t this country’s leadership class. It’s the dummies they’re leading. That’d be us folks.

  3. This is fascinating, since China right now is being criticized for building lots of skyscrapers…which are sitting empty. There have been entire cities, with housing and office buildings built which are sitting empty.

    But, hey, don’t look for rationality when propaganda is being flung.

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