4 thoughts on “Rehab

  1. No doubt about that, Susie. But, there are some people that no matter how rich or poor, rehab just doesn’t work. It’s so sad for people close to them, too.
    Maybe, some jail time would help.

  2. One set of rules for them and another for us ‘little people.’ An example of a society whose Justus Departmernt is too timid to prosecute anyone but the poor and disadvantaged.

  3. I suppose they are afraid that she would tear the jailhouse down.

    But on the other hand who is paying for all this rehab? Its not cheap.

  4. I live near LA so I keep hearing about La Lohan whether I want to or not. The scuttlebutt on why they don’t send her to jail is that they would have to spend so much on security to keep papparazzi out that nobody wants the expense. Rehab I think she has to pay for herself. (Not 100% sure on that. About 98% sure.)

    Plus I gather they’d need extra guards in the prison to keep the other prisoners from killing her because she’s such a piece of work she can turn mild shoplifters into homicidal maniacs overnight. (I’m making this up. I don’t know why they said they’d need extra guards for her. I just remember seeing that they would.)

    She’s quite the soap opera, that gal.

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