2 thoughts on “Kindness

  1. The good people are not our problem. It’s the loonies who plant the bombs and fire the bullets who require our undivided attention. As difficult a task as that is.

  2. Every time I hear people lamenting the loss of the US innocence, the loss of feeling safe in our surroundings, I agree and feel terrible about what happened to people in Boston and to many in the nation.

    But I also can’t get out of my mind that many of us in this nation do not feel the same regret for others losing their sense of safety, of joy at family and other gatherings in their localities, of freedom from fear. I feel the same horror at the red pluddles of blood on Boston’s sidewalks and streets as I feel at the thought of whole familines being blown to red mist and scattered body parts by our drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, wherever we do such things.

    i’m not being sanctimonious — I actually cannot rid myself of those visions when I think of what has been done to the people present in Boston on April 15th.

    When can we learn to stop such viciousness towards others???

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