7 thoughts on “R.I.P. Helen Thomas

  1. “Back to Poland, back to Germany…….”? Blacks aren’t going back to Africa either. Had Thomas talked about the damage that the Zionists have done to Israel and by extension the rest of the world her overall statement would been more prductive.

  2. Computers are dangerous. Not the computers that the 99% uses to access blogs and friends. The dangerous computers are those used to run algorithms by the military (NSA), government agencies, and corporations to gather information (intelligence) on the 99%. Do we really want these fascists to be allowed to analyze every move we make?

  3. The one person in the White House press room that didn’t mind asking real questions. Her integrity may be a thing of the past. At least with those that are allowed in the WHPR.

  4. That’s a mighty bullshit whitewash of hat she said, especially when she follows it up by saying to go back to Poland and Germany. If she’d said they should go back to Israel the argument in that article holds water, but Poland and Germany?

    I think I’m done with you, Suzie. Sometimes you make sense, but lately you seem to get dumber and more full of shit. This defense of Thomas’s proposal that Israelis go “back” (I pretty much guarantee that there aren’t a lot of Israelis who were born in Poland or Germany, so the notion that they would be going “back” is absurd), the countries in which millions of Jews were murdered is noy a benevolent statement. I have to be contemptuous of anyone who would defend that statement or the pretense that it was anything less than malicious.

  5. I suppose since I’ve actually met the woman and talked to her about it, you would be the better judge of what was malicious.

  6. http://forward.com/articles/154277/jews-stream-back-to-germany/?p=all

    According to a study by Dr. Sima Salzberg of Bar-Ilan University, 100,000 Israelis have applied for and received German passports.

    “This is the largest group of German passport holders in the world outside Germany,” said Emmanuel Nahshon, deputy chief of mission of the Israeli Embassy in Berlin.

    In September 1935, during the Nazi era, Jews were stripped of German citizenship by the Nuremberg racial laws. But under German law since May 1949, any Jew — or the descendants of such a Jew — who fled Nazi Germany has the right to become a naturalized German.
    As a result, increasing numbers of Jews are seizing the opportunity to become Germans.

    Read more: http://forward.com/articles/154277/jews-stream-back-to-germany/?p=all#ixzz2Zh1qjHhJ


    In 1947 and 1948, about 12,000 Jews left Poland with passports legally. Independent emigration was also significant.
    After the state of Israel was proclaimed, legal emigration was restricted to a large extent by the communist authorities. It was only in 1949 that Polish Jews were allowed to leave on a “one-time” basis. They were issued specially “travel documents”, allowing them to cross the border once, without the right to return. Those who left automatically lost their Polish citizenship. About 30,000 people received such permission to leave; many others were refused.

    Over the coming years, Jewish emigration fell, and it was only during the period 1956 to 1960 that these restrictions were eased. At that time, over 30,000 Jews emigrated, including most of the Jews who had been repatriated from the Soviet Union.

    The last wave of Jewish emigration from Poland was sparked by the events of March 1968. Anti-Semitic harassment during the years 1968-1970 meant, for example, that many Jews were fired from their jobs. As a result, about 15,000 to 20,000 Jews left Poland, most of whom had strong ties to Poland. See aliyah and Jewish emigration associations in Poland.


    The announcement have no reason for the move. But the press agency, publishing statistics for the first time, said that from July 1,1967 until May 1,1969, 5,264 “Polish citizens of Jewish nationality left Poland declaring their wish to emigrate to Israel for permanent stay.” Unofficial estimates place the peak of Jewish emigration in 1968 when an estimated 3,000-3,500 Jews left the country in the wake of the official “anti-Zionist” campaign. Many considered the campaign, which stemmed from student riots in March 1968, to be a mask for the purge of Jews from high positions in the Government, the Communist Party, cultural and communications industries.


    I can’t find the info right now, but I recently read that many Israeli Poles are moving back to Poland.

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