Obamacare website

Yeah, it’s a piece of shit. I haven’t been able to get past the security screen yet, it keeps crashing. But it’s not a bad thing that so many people are trying to get through, since Republican Heroes of the Shutdown keep insisting everyone hates Obamacare.

Anybody get through yet?

“A couple of weeks ago, Apple rolled out a new mobile operating system, and within days, they found a glitch, so they fixed it,” Obama said. “I don’t remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads or threatening to shut down the company if they didn’t.”

But the Obama administration doesn’t have a basically working product that would be improved by a software update. They have a web site that almost nobody has been able to successfully use. If Apple launched a major new product that functioned as badly as Obamacare’s online insurance marketplace, the tech world would be calling for Tim Cook’s head.

The good news for Obamacare is that lots of people want to sign up. Lots and lots of people. Many more, in fact, than anyone expected. The bad news is that the Obama administration’s online insurance marketplace — which serves 34 states — can’t handle the success.

“The amount of demand is really driving the issues,” a senior administration official told me. “But we’re adding capacity every hour.”

Yes, the overwhelming crush of traffic is behind many of the web site’s failures. But the web site was clearly far, far from prepared for traffic at anywhere near these levels. That’s a planning flaw: The Obama administration badly underestimated the level of interest. The fact that the traffic is good news for the law doesn’t obviate the fact that the site’s inability to absorb that traffic is bad news for the law.

Part of the problem, according to a number of designers, is that the site is badly coded, which makes the traffic problems more acute. There’s a darkly amusing thread on Reddit where web designers are picking through the site’s code and mocking it mercilessly. “They’re loading 11 CSS files and 62 (wat?) JavaScript files on each page, uncompressed and without expires headers,” writes Spektr44. “They have blocks of HTML inexplicably wrapped in script tags. Wtf?”

Some of the problems on the site don’t require any particular coding experience to identify. While the design is clean and clear, the instructions can be confusing. For instance, when you choose your username, the site says: “The username is case sensitive. Choose a username that is 6-74 characters long and must contain a lowercase or capital letter, a number, or one of these symbols _.@/-.”

Making matters worse, the warning that your username doesn’t comply disappears when you click your cursor in the password field, rather than when you type in a conforming username. (At least for me. Though three screens after that, the site crashed on me entirely.)

No one knows how many people have actually signed up through the federal exchanges. As of Thursday morning, health-care reporters were desperately trying to find even one. Eventually, Chad Henderson was of Georgia was located. He was subsequently interviewed by pretty much every news organization in the country. According to his Facebook page, he was also asked to be on a conference call put on by the Department of Health and Human Services, which suggests that they’re not exactly overwhelmed with successful applicants to trot out before the press.

While we can’t know for sure, it’s possible and even likely that the number of visitors who are actually being able to sign up for insurance is quite low.

Republicans who decided to shut down the government this week rather than relentlessly message against the Affordable Care Act’s glitches did the law a great favor. The site’s flaws are real — and if there was more focus on them, they’d be quite embarrassing.

9 thoughts on “Obamacare website

  1. All of their coding proficiency is over at the NSA attacking private firewalls and encryption.

  2. The reactionary corporatists on the Right— the T-baggers and Libertarians who shut the government down—will never accept ObamaCare (ACA). What they want is full blown laissez faire Capitalism. ObamaCare is a half measure which keeps free market mechanisms in place and adds some governmental controls that attempt to contain costs (profits). The Left wants a universal, single-payer system (Medicare for all) that would eliminate the middle-men (health insurance companies). Boiled down the current battle over ObamaCare pits the laissez faire Capitalist profiteers against the anti-capitalist forces. The owners (1%) vs. the workers (99%). Given the situation it’s amazing that the ObamaCare website functions at all.

  3. “badly underestimated the level of interest” SOP for Neocon/Neoliberal planners who’ve convinced themselves with their own rhetoric.

  4. Yes, actually, and no problemo!

    Answered questions about my gender, smoking status, height and weight. Then I was given multiple insurance options, most for at least $110 less than what I’m paying now for a PPO with a $5k deductible.


  5. I keep wondering how anyone expects them to fix the glitches when the government is shut down. I imagine whoever would ordinarily handle the problem has probably been furloughed.

  6. I have a password and username. Still can’t get on. But, I did talk to a real live human without much waiting that said to try in off peak hours. I’m OK with that. I have friends that are getting renew notices on their individual policies that have huge increases in premiums. They are screaming and gnashing teeth. Telling these folks to get on the exchange (since most carriers in Jawja are participating) see if they can get a better deal is like talking to wall. It’s like if they try the exchange they’ll turn into “Lefties” or something…

  7. I had to attempt registration 5 times. The site kept giving me non-descriptive error messages and then told me twice that I’d selected the same security question twice, which I had not. Finally I registered and got the registration email, but when I tried to sign on, I got a message that I’d entered the wrong password, which I had not. That happened twice, then I attempted to reset by entering my user ID and the site sent me a password reset email. But when I clicked on the link in the email, I got an error message that the link was not good and then that my User ID was not valid.

    So, it’s a hot mess. I’m curious to know who designed and coded the site and how much they were paid. Is there a story of cronyism behind the contract? Obama should be highly embarrassed at this–it plays right into the right wing story of the incompetence of government. This is Obama’s signature achievement and he rolls it out so poorly. This reminds me of his 2nd debate performance last year–grossly irresponsible. And it reminds me of what a lousy job he’s done holding Wall Street accountable for its myriad crimes.

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