3 thoughts on “Everything you think you know about panhandlers is wrong

  1. The other scandal hidden here is how the institutional homeless service provider networks propagate these myths.

    “Don’t ever give money directly to the homeless, they will misuse your generosity in self-destructive ways. Give instead to our wonderful shelter or “housing first” program to end homelessness.”

    Thing is, they’ve been saying that for 25 years. How’s it working out in your town? Homeless problem pretty much solved?

  2. Actually, it was a lot better in Philly. But then this depression hit, and we’re seeing people out on the street (many of them young) we never saw before.

  3. Nice post. I have to admit to ambivalent unease with the traffic island panhandling around Minneapolis. I tend to give when the sign and physical appearance somehow match in my head. But the next five in a row are going to be successful just to give Stossel the finger.

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