3 thoughts on “Cleaning house

  1. The Vatican Bank is also getting a house cleaning. The Institute for Religious Works (Vatican Bank) was set up in 1942 and has assets of $7 billion dollars. The bank has been used for years by Italy’s 1% as a tax shelter to evade the Italian tax man. Former bank governor, American Archbishop Paul Marchinkus, was indicted in 1982 for his involvement in the Banco Ambrosiano’s collapse. His partner Roberto Calvi, then chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, was found hanged to death under London’s Blackfriars Bridge (an infamous bridge) later that same year. This year the bank has seen 100 suspicious payments, up from 6 last year. To say that the Catholic Church is corrupt is an understatement.

  2. Hmmm, this guy may be serious about the Catholic Church adhering to Christian teachings. What’ll they think of next.

  3. Very soon we’re going to start to hear what a shame it is that the Pope is persecuting Christians.

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