US biological weapons tested in Okinawa in 60s: report

I thought we were the “good” guys?

US biological weapons tested in Okinawa in 60s: report (via AFP)

The US army conducted field experiments of biological weapons, which could harm rice cropping, in the Japanese island of Okinawa in the early 1960s, a press report said Sunday. The same experiments were also conducted on the US mainland and in Taiwan…

One thought on “US biological weapons tested in Okinawa in 60s: report

  1. The problem is that men have been “feminized.” Or so says FOX. Biological testing was the manly thing to do back in the 60’s. But men have been so “feminized” that even a brutish, bully like Chris Christie can’t operate any longer. These “girlie men” are even calling on Obama to get every single U.S. soldier out of Afghanistan by the end of this year. What has America come to when the neo-cons are attacked for wanting to continue endless wars that require the testing of biological and nuclear weapons?

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