US ‘superweeds’ epidemic shines spotlight on GMOs

They blinded us with science!

US ‘superweeds’ epidemic shines spotlight on GMOs (via AFP)

The United States is facing an epidemic of herbicide-resistant “superweeds” that some activists and researchers are blaming on GMOs, an accusation rejected by industry giants. According to a recent study, the situation is such that American farmers…

4 thoughts on “US ‘superweeds’ epidemic shines spotlight on GMOs

  1. Superweeds, germ restistant antibiotics, global warming…..most of the time too much of a good thing is just that. Unfortunately for us Capitalism knows no bounds. Profits can always get bigger. In the end what made us stronger will kill us all. If not strictly regulated. Good times.

  2. “…the industry refuses to accept any responsibility for the “superweed” phenomenon…”

    Of course they don’t. That’s the whole point of being a corporation, isn’t it?

    In the meantime, just remember the line from the old commercial: “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”.

  3. I love the company line about why GMOs have nothing to do with Roundup-resistant weeds: resistance was building up before GMOs were around.

    Well, sure. When you try to kill something, the ones who don’t get killed survive, so you’ll need a bigger dose to kill them in the future. Right. It’s called natural selection.

    So when farmers dump super-doses of Roundup from Monsanto because Monsanto is selling them GM crops that survive it, you also get super-resistant weeds.

    The companies are saying “Herbicides cause herbicide-resistant weeds, but crops that let farmers use more herbicides have nothing to do with more herbicide-resistant weeds.” And hoping that nobody notices what they just said.

  4. Come to think of it, what a racket. Gillette was content with “give them the razor; sell them the blades.”

    Monsanto goes that one better. Sell them Round-up to deal with pesky weeds. When the weeds that survive become more resistant, sell them bigger quantities of Round-up to deal with the more resistant weeds. It’s like Gillette selling a blade that makes the whiskers grow bigger and faster.

    And on and on – until your customers go broke, and the only thing that can grow are the resistant weeds.

    Then say, “bite me, you dumb sod busters” – and get out of agribusiness and into hedge funds or some other crooked finance mechanism where the really big money is.

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