One thought on “There goes net neutrality

  1. It’s got so I pretty much stopped watching television over 20 years ago, and not out of snobbishness (refuse to pay for TV when 22 minutes of every hour is commercials, if I’m at a hotel and there is TV, I usually give up because I change channels after I lose patience with an endless commerical break and can never remember or find what I was watching before the commerical, and by the time I click past that channel again, it is most likely on new commercial break).
    I ditched the smart phone after a couple months, and that was 5 years ago. $100/mo to waste time checking for email or answer annoying phone calls was paying in money and annoyance.

    My internet is mostly down to reading 6 to 12 blogs plus links (I sure wish people would let you know where they are sending you, cuz just end up closing out WaPo and NYT – except for Krugman). I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone wants to be on facebook, or visit anyone else on facebook (and if that is a business’s primary presence on the internet, fuck them, I’ll find somewhere else to spend my money). At this point, I think the best protest is just withdrawal. Withdraw your “views” and link clicks, withdraw your monthly internet cost as much as possible. Just tell them to fuck off and die (which is pretty much where they are steering the world anyway). Seriously, people just need to make Verizon pay for this, and make the other providers pay as well. But a boycott of Verizon is the best place to start. Put them out of business and then move on to the next target.

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