Fox analyst and retired general offers to commit treason

Fox News analyst tells Tea Party group he can lead a military coup against Obama (via Raw Story )

A retired Army general and Fox News analyst told a Tea Party group that he would lead a military coup against the U.S. government, if only reluctantly. Paul Vallely, a retired major general and senior military analyst for the conservative news channel…

3 thoughts on “Fox analyst and retired general offers to commit treason

  1. This is frequently simmering just under the surface, but they’re usually careful to keep it under wraps. Seems like the current crop at the top of the Pentagon, or their recent retirees, are particularly loose-lipped and frankly cavalier. “We all love a good fight” sounds a lot like the thoughtless jackasses of 1860.

  2. One thing – If 250,000 99%s showed up for a peaceful demonstration, they would be pepper sprayed and tazed and tear-gassed every step they took.

    250,000 former or current military personnel show up, the cops and NSA spies will throw rose petals at their feet every step they take.

    Such is the degree of commitment to a republic or a democracy among the “security” apparatus these days.

  3. Apparently Vallely slept through his oath. Unlike Marine General Smedley Butler who turned state’s evidence on the Bush family coup conspiracy.

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