A letter to my senator

Senator Toomey

I just got a newsletter from Pat Toomey, so I responded:

Thank you for your newsletter in which you mention being a history buff.

I hope you are familiar with the events of 1789 in France. If not, you might want to brush up.

Unless, of course, you are actually trying to recreate the conditions that produced those events — in which case, I’d say you’re doing an excellent job!

I wonder what Pope Francis thinks of your position? I’d guess he’s not your biggest supporter. But then, I’m sure you know much more about Catholic values than the pope, so don’t let that self-righteous gloomy Gus keep you from your Randian quest!

4 thoughts on “A letter to my senator

  1. Now watch conservative catholics flock to fundamentalist heretic churches.

    I just tried to write a letter to my elected officials online, but curiously I can’t load their pages. I’ve been using Clear internet service (not cable or phone or anything else) for a year and had a $40/mo contract, which seemed like a bargain after years of Comcast rip offs. The emailed they sent saying my bill would now be $55/mo cited rising costs (are we in Zimbabwe where inflation is now 40%?). And the first thing I see is that Sprint has taken over Clear. So much for those supine butt sluts Eric Holder and Constitutional law professor Obama and anti-trust laws. Didn’t even hear a peep about it before it happened.

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