Monkey see, monkey do


I can just hear the Republican strategists: “Well, they got a black guy and won, so if we get a black guy, we’ll win, too!”

Ben Carson is warming to the idea of running for president. Since the famous brain surgeon retired last year from Johns Hopkins Hospital, he’s been speaking around the country to enthusiastic audiences. And they’ve affected his thinking about seeking national office.

“Over the years, there have been many attempts to get me to throw my hat in the political arena,” Carson writes in his new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future. “I have been offered support from around the country and tremendous financial resources if I decide to run for national office. But I have not felt the call to run.”

Carson writes that he suspects many others interested in high office would be better candidates. But in his book he has a caveat: “If I felt called by God to officially enter the world of politics, I would certainly not hesitate to do so.”

Interviewed this week, Carson said he’s “starting to feel it. Because every place I go, it’s unbelievable.” One lady “really touched me the other night … She just kept clinging to my hand and said, ‘You have to run. You have to run.’ And so many people tell me that, and so I think I’m starting to hear something.”

5 thoughts on “Monkey see, monkey do

  1. I hope they make this guy their nominee. His policies don’t sound any more ridiculous then any of the other Republican front runners arguments do. Of course the problem with nominating him will be the white backlash inside the Republican Party. The militia folks in Nevada will storm the Republican convention and take thousands of hostages.

  2. Why did he quit being a brain surgeon?
    The Sarah Palin Syndrome?

    Society has invested considerable resources in his medical education, and now he’s discarding all that?

  3. Izquierdo, brain surgery is boring. Screwing with peoples brains is much more fun and far more profitable. Just ask any politician.

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