3 thoughts on “Today’s weather report

  1. We must stop burning crap. We also need to pass a carbon tax and not cap and trade legislation. Profiting from the sale of good air for bad air is a really dumb idea. The most positive thing we could do is to nationalize the energy companies.

  2. I live in Missouri and it is known as the cave state. Our caves have been closed for years because the bats are about to be wiped out from White Nose Fungus. Bats, bees, Monarch butterflies feeding on milkweed are pollinators and are about to completely collapse. There are two things that are now in suburban St. Louis: the nine-banded armadillo and the prickly pear cactus. This should give you a clue what the future of America will look like. Stage 1 climate change has started with bad weather. Stage 2 will see all animals like elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, bears, pollinators, etc. in the wild quickly go extinct; this will take place from 2030 ish to 2050. Stage 3 will be most arable land, cheap energy, and fresh water gone as the world is torn apart by an initial war of consolidation and then two massive sides against each other in a final destructive global war around 2065. Humans by then will be so weakened by ignorance and dependency on technology that it is over.

  3. I don’t know about all of that Gary. The bad weather part will extend well beyond 2030. Meaning that the onset of Stage 2 is actually pretty far in the future. As for two giant sides standing toe to toe trying to be the one controlling all of the resources. We don’t need Stage 1, 2 or 3 for that to happen. It’s already taking place. Maybe because they buy into what you said about the horrible future that we all face. Or maybe it’s just because they’re greedy bastards who want to own everything.

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