6 thoughts on “Quote of the day

  1. Pope Francis doesn’t quite grasp the concept here. But at least he’s trying. Unlike most of the rest of the “rulers of the universe.”

  2. Yeah, but at least the dude has balls enough to make the point. And, btw, “violence in the name of God” has been the mantra for wars throughout civilization. I’m back to being somewhat of a fan of the Holy Sea; I like Francis’ opinions on most things………….

  3. Great catch, Susie. IMHO, “The mental structure of fundamentalists is violence in the name of God.” is an astonishing thing for the head of the Catholic Church to say. At the very, very least it vitiates the god squad leadership’s tendency to avoid criticizing each other’s interpretation of “God’s word” in the interest of closing ranks against us godless heathens. More broadly it may condemn, e.g., not just the NRA jihadists, but also the expression of fundamentalist principles in the mainstream political debate.

    I like this guy too.

  4. There are always at least two sides to every issue. Good and bad. This Pope made a categorical statement about every fundamentalist group that, when tested, won’t hold up. He also claims to ‘know’ God’s mind. There are fundamentalist groups who refuse to kill even insects out of reverence for God. That seems pretty far removed from “violence in the name of God.” Concepts can be a pretty tricky thing to teach.

  5. For a Pope, he’s a refreshing change. Now, if only he didn’t leave half the human race out of the change, I’d be downright enthusiastic about him.

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