3 thoughts on “We’re never leaving Iraq

  1. Whenever we direct the CIA to overthrow a government (Syria, Libya, Ukraine) we are the loser in the end. What ISIL is trying to accomplish is this: the elimination of the Kings and dictators who have oppressed the people with US support, money and arms for the sake of convenience for decades. There is no more fixing anything in the Middle East. Then we have Sen. Rand Paul who outed himself yesterday. He called for the suspension of all aid to the Palestinians. He became a shameful hypocrite because he’s running for president. His daddy told him never to cross the Zionist AIPAC organization if he wanted campaign cash and a good press. There is no two-state solution. There has never been a two-state solution. Because the Zionists do not want two-states. The US should stop supporting and funding Israel militarily.

  2. Wait: I thought we were going to leave just as soon as we win. Was I misinformed?

  3. Wait: I thought we were going to leave Iraq right after we win. Was I misinformed?

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