Afraid of Katie Couric


He probably canceled because she’s so much harder to bullshit than most reporters:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump canceled a sit-down interview with Yahoo! News reporter Katie Couric that was scheduled for Tuesday, CNN reported.

Trump called Monday for a ban on Muslims entering the United States and stood by that stance in multiple phone interviews on morning talk shows Tuesday.

A Yahoo! News spokesperson told CNN that the exact reasoning for Trump’s cancellation was unknown.

“He just abruptly canceled last night,” the spokesperson said. “They said it was a scheduling issue, but we’re not sure their rationale or reasoning.”

Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, told CNN that the interview would be rescheduled but did not say when.

3 thoughts on “Afraid of Katie Couric

  1. Hahahaha – Ron – no kidding. I wonder what he does read – he could porbably reel off some business papers. WSJ, Bloomberg. I think she’d attack him on his lack of foreign policy creds.

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