NPR Reporter: WHCD ‘Apotheosis Of Everything That Is Wrong With Journalism And Government’

Obama Goes After Trump In His Final White House Correspondents’ Dinner Speech

NPR On the Media co-host Bob Garfield lit into the cozy relationship between the press and the politicians they’re supposed to be covering on this Sunday’s Reliable Sources on CNN. CNN generally does a really terrible job of naval-gazing when it comes to critiquing the problems with their own network, but no one was spared during…

One thought on “NPR Reporter: WHCD ‘Apotheosis Of Everything That Is Wrong With Journalism And Government’

  1. “(It’s) a republic, if you can keep it.”
    In the beginning (1787) only white, male, landowners had the right to vote. (That was Franklin’s vision.)

    republic–Latin, “res publica” or the public thing(s).
    democracy–Greek, “demos and kratein” or the people rule.

    In 2016 only wealthy, white, males and females (1%) control our political system.
    The oligarchs.

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