Pandering to the ‘Freedom’ Caucus

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And by that, I mean “freedom from healthcare coverage and emotional security.”

In order to get the votes of the most extreme and cruel members of the party, the Republican leadership has stripped their healthcare bill of anything that might remotely resemble coverage. People like us basically pay through the nose for a plastic card with our name on it, and the wealthy get yet another huge tax cut.

I suppose the upside is, the Republicans will inadvertently lay the groundwork for a single-payer system.

Anyway, the congressional switchboard number is 202-224-3121. You know what to do.

2 thoughts on “Pandering to the ‘Freedom’ Caucus

  1. “I suppose the upside is, the Republicans will inadvertently lay the groundwork for a single-payer system.”

    Holy crap Susie, I know this looks to be a tough day, but aren’t you into the Absinthe a little early?

  2. We have some heavy lifts to pull off before that single-payer system can happen, but the epic crashing of the insurance markets likely to result from this bill if it passes is one of the only situations in which it will ever be politically feasible.

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