Firm in Mueller indictment got RNC funds for work on Trump campaign

Teaching Activities for: ‘Former Trump Aides Charged as Prosecutors Reveal New Campaign Ties With Russia’

WASHINGTON — A company listed in the Monday indictment of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates received funds from the Republican National Committee for work done in coordination with Donald Trump’s election campaign.

One thought on “Firm in Mueller indictment got RNC funds for work on Trump campaign

  1. It’s amusing that the wealthiest oligarch’s in Russia also happen to be the most powerful mobsters.
    Most of them can be directly tied to Putin.
    The boss always gets his cut.

    Trump acts very much like the typical gangster would. Especially when he displays his persecution complex.
    Which is probably why he so much identifies with Putin and the other autocrats around the world.
    Many of who Trump will break bread with over the next 12 days.

    You don’t suppose that the mobster mentality, i.e., the greed, the corruption, the paranoia, the desire to be in absolute control of one’s environment, infected most of those holding positions of power in the United States long ago do you?

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