One thought on “They went to Jared

  1. Nobody connected to the Trump campaign believed that he would become the president, including Trump himself.

    Everybody, especially Kushner, was making post-election deals while they still had some juice left.
    Everyone connected to the Trump campaign is as corrupt as the day is long.

    Trump’s real problem is that he’s incapable of thinking strategically. “If you hit me, I’ll hit you twice as hard.” Spoken like a true Mafia Don or murderous warmonger.

    Trump relies on Pence, Bannon, Miller, Stone, Putin, Netanyahu and the rest of the warmongers to do his strategic thinking for him. (Trump is an easily manipulated dummy.)

    Unfortunately for our republic these jackasses only know how to break stuff.

    And their go to solution to “fix” things is to replace the people’s government with a Mussolini-style corporate state.
    What we call Fascism.

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