Testify under oath? He was just kidding

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In a non-televised, impromptu Q&A yesterday with White House correspondents just before leaving for Davos, CNN got Trump to admit to being willing – no, eager – to testify under oath in the next two or three weeks in the Mueller hearings.

4 thoughts on “Testify under oath? He was just kidding

  1. >Trump’s lawyer (he has a million of them) Matthew Dowd, said today that he will personally be deciding if Trump testifies before Mueller or not.
    Which sounds about right, because Trump knows nothing about anything and so all of his decisions are made by somebody else.
    Once the decision is made Trump is informed by Gen. Kelly, Ty Cobb, Gen. McMaster and Stephen Miller what the decision is and how to talk about it.

    >Apparently Trump asked the Guggenheim if he could borrow Van Gogh’s “Landscape with Snow” (1888) to hang in the Oval Office.
    The Guggenheim told Trump that the painting was unavailable at the moment, but he was more then welcome to borrow Maurizio Cattelan’s “America.”
    “America” is an 18-caret, fully functioning, gold toilet meant as satire aimed at the excess wealth of the few in the US.

    Vince “WWE” McMahon and his very good friend Trump are about to regurgitate the XFL, because Trump hates the NFL.
    Trump remembers and despises anyone who he believes has ever slighted him over the past 70 years.
    The NFL, he feels, did just that and now they are going to pay.

  2. Malcolm Nance has said that Fergus still believes he’s up against an assistant DA from Manhattan, when in reality he’s up against “the wood chipper of justice.”
    Even smart, not-guilty people don’t willingly talk to the FBI, because lying to the FBI is a felony, and a trained FBI agent can get you to tell a lie in an interview. Anyone, any interview.
    So they have their attorneys do it for them, or at least take charge of their end of the interview.
    Fergus can’t say “Hi there” without lying his ass off, so even were he not in legal trouble before the interview, and make no mistake, he is, he would be afterward.

  3. Trump is the client I learned to turn away. He is a very wealthy nightmare. Trump projects his every vice onto the external world while denying it in himself. What do his lawyers have to worry about? Trump claims that Hillary and Bill Clinton laundered money through the professionally managed Clinton Foundation to themselves. What does that tell you about the Trump Foundation? Trump accuses Clinton and the FBI of destroying e-mails. What does that tell you about his delivery of evidence to Mueller? There is no way in hell that competent counsel puts this lunatic under any type of oath. He hasn’t told his lawyers any semblance of the truth.

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