Gov. Scott Walker holds democracy hostage, refuses to hold special elections

David and Charles Koch with their pet dog Scotty

Republican Wisconsin governor Scott Walker is refusing to hold special elections to fill state Senate seats, likely because he understands that his party is in danger of losing those seats. Now he’s being sued by former Attorney General Eric Holder for holding democracy hostage.

One thought on “Gov. Scott Walker holds democracy hostage, refuses to hold special elections

  1. Scott Walker will break out in oozing boils any day now.

    That leaves the Koch brothers and the rest of the corrupt oligarchs.

    Who benefits most when the people are divided?

    Whenever Capitalism enters its final death throes society fractures into tribes. The Capitalists in one camp and the rest of us, under various banners, in the other. (See pre-WWI and WWII.)

    Over the past 10 years, 85% of the world’s increase in productivity (surplus wealth) has gone to the top 10%.
    The bulk of it going to the top 1%.

    That is an intolerable situation that will end in a generalized global war. If we let it.

    Republicans are the enemy.

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