All hail, Paul Ryan!

Paul Ryan (R-WI) P.O.S.

It was disgusting, listening to all the politicians and talking heads slaver over the noble and altruistic policy wonk’s retirement announcement yesterday. He wants to spend time with his family? Sure he does.

What a joke. I know more about economic policy than that Koch tool. His only gift was the ability to twist policy to fit his donors’shopping list. Notice he pushed for entitlement reform in his announcement and said he will continue to work for it.

Fuck Paul Ryan. Good riddance!

One thought on “All hail, Paul Ryan!

  1. One cannot say enough bad s*** about this rotten son-of-a-dog.

    The next in line to take over Ryan’s leadership role is Steve Scalise or Kevin McCarthy.

    McCarthy is unable to use the King’s English properly so he won’t get the job.

    Which leaves Steve Scalise as the most likely person.
    Scalise has been heard to say from time to time that he’s “David Duke without the hood and robe.”

    With a little luck and hard work maybe the “Blue Wave” will drowned this White Nationalist, warmonger come November.

    Republicans are the enemy.

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