The foxes are running the education henhouse

Washington (CNN)A Department of Education team that had looked into fraud and abuse by for-profit colleges has been dismantled to the point that it has “effectively killed investigations” into institutions where top hires of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos once worked, The New York Times reported Sunday, citing current and former employees.

The team has gone from about a dozen lawyers and investigators looking into advertising, recruitment, and graduate employment claims of several institutions at the end of the Obama administration to just three team members today, the Times reported. Current and former employees, including former team members, said the team’s mission has been reduced to processing student loan forgiveness applications and examining smaller compliance cases, the newspaper said.
An investigation into DeVry University, now known as Adtalem Global Education, “ground to a halt early last year,” and later, over the summer, DeVos picked Julian Schmoke, a former dean at the school, to be the team’s supervisor, the Times reported.

Meanwhile, probes into for-profit education companies Bridgepoint Education and Career Education Corp. also “went dark,” the newspaper said. The Times reported that former employees of those institutions are working for DeVos as well, including Robert S. Eitel, a former Bridgepoint attorney who is now her senior counselor, and Diane Auer Jones, a former Career Education employee who is now a senior postsecondary education adviser at the department. The department’s recently confirmed general counsel, Carlos G. Muñiz, provided consulting services to Career Education, the newspaper said.

Republicans won’t even go through the motions of oversight anymore. They need to be booted out, all of them.

One thought on “The foxes are running the education henhouse

  1. Tax dollars can’t be given to religious schools.
    Like Catholic schools, etc.

    Most charter schools are funded by the Evangelical Christian movement and are therefore considered to be religious schools by nature and are therefore ineligible to receive tax dollars to operate.

    So lots of states have gotten very creative and given parents “state vouchers” [tax dollars] which allows them to attend the school of their choice. More often then not the school they choose to attend is an Evangelical Christian school because that’s what’s available.)

    Betsy DeVos wants all of the laws disallowing federal tax dollars to fund religious schools to be struck down.
    DeVos is working hard to make that happen to the exclusion of most everything else.

    If DeVos gets her way we can all kiss the American public educational system goodbye.

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