Facebook poisons our world

And so does Google. Pretty much all media platforms, in fact:

The part that was so frustrating to me about the 2016 election was that there were clearly Russian trolls spreading the crazy about Hillary Clinton. And when I would point this out to the people disseminating this garbage, they would say, “So? It’s true!”

No, it wasn’t true. That was the problem. It sounded true. And it plays to the psychology that makes us insist we are “too smart” to fall for propaganda.

We’re not. We all have different entry points (PC vs. Mac, American League vs. National, etc.) but we all are susceptible to information that is repeated often enough.

And it’s not as simple as “don’t use Facebook.” It’s how many families stay in touch, and they’re just not going to give it up.

One thought on “Facebook poisons our world

  1. What did Capitalist Mark Zuckerberg think would eventually happen to his Facebook “invention?”

    What Zuckerberg was after was the largest possible profit, made by any means necessary.
    Which he accomplished.
    Last week Facebook lost $100 billion dollars in value and nobody jumped out of a window from a tall building.
    The entire McDonalds corporation is worth less then $100 billion dollars. For perspective.

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