Now the GOP LOVES impeachment!

And then this. What a bunch of shameless weasels:

2 thoughts on “Now the GOP LOVES impeachment!

  1. The Republicans have failed us.
    Both as politicians and as Americans.
    The Republicans will pay a price for that failure and betrayal.
    And the Democrats will exact that price in November.

    Republicans (and Establishment Democrats) have become increasingly concerned that the “ideologues” in the Democratic Party want to make the “other side disappear.”
    They’re right of course.
    Because Democratic ideologues (FDR) are working hard to make sure that the other side disappears on November 3rd, by voting every Republican officeholder, from dog catcher to president, out of office.

    The Republicans nominated Trump.
    The Republicans are responsible for Trump.
    And the Republicans continue to support Trumps racial resentment and white grievance as he demonizes Hispanic and Muslim immigrants.

    Soon the Republicans will declare Trump not guilty of his obvious crimes as their “show-trial” in furtherance of their “cover up” concludes.

    The Republicans seem more concerned about Democrats bringing us “democratic socialism”** then they are about setting fire to our Constitution by granting Trump unlimited authority.

    The Republicans have all sold their black, little souls to the devil for money and power and that makes them all the “enemy of the people.”

    **Defined by Republicans as bringing structural changes to our health care system with Medicare For All, re-imposing environmental regulations on corporations, and
    reversing the Republican tax give away to the rich.

  2. This whole time the goddamn Republicans have been acting like they didn’t have a plan to impeach Hillary Clinton as soon as she took the oath.

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