The other virus

Officers searched three trailers early Monday and seized 13 long guns, handguns, a machete and high-capacity magazines, the RCMP said in a news release. On Sunday night, they said, a large farm tractor and a semi truck attempted to ram a police car. The officer in the car was able to avoid a collision; police said they have identified the driver of the tractor and seized both vehicles.

2 thoughts on “The other virus

  1. This entire episode stank to high heaven from the very beginning.
    A cadre of Fascist American plutocrats decided to payback the 1% movement which originated in Canada by enlisting both Canadian and American truckers to help bring down the NOT-right-wing government of Trudeau.

    Speaking of economics and politics, 6.6 million Americans found jobs in the past 12 months.
    That’s tens of billions in good inflationary wages.

    Hourly wages for all workers rose 5.7%, and 13% for restaurant and other hospitality and leisure workers, in January.
    January inflation was 7.5% so the average hourly wage decreased by 1.8%

    As inflation declines and wages increase during 2022 the 50% of Americans on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder will again begin to build wealth for the first time in 35 years (Ronald Reagan).

    Unless Senators like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are successful in bringing a Canadian-style truckers’ blockade to America in order to destroy Biden’s excellent economy.

    When Senator Joe Manchin talks about inflation he sounds exactly like a Republican.

  2. 90%+ of Canadian truck drivers are vaccinated. This was 100% astroturf.
    I drove a delivery truck for my living for more than a decade, and I never would have gotten away with deliberately obstructing a major traffic artery without paying a hefty fine and having my license suspended.

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