Thanks to new WI law, toddlers can hunt with guns


You have to be a teenager to drive a car, but it’s okay for little kids to hunt with guns? I’m glad I don’t live in Wisconsin, I don’t have a Dayglo vest. Thanks, Gov. Walker:

Wisconsin’s nine-day gun deer hunting season starts this weekend, and this year, for the first time, children of any age will be able to hunt with a firearm while accompanied by an adult. Last Saturday, Gov. Scott Walker quietly signed into law a bill that lifted age and firearm restrictions on adults hunting with small children.

In Wisconsin, hunters need to be at least 14 years old and pass a hunter’s safety class to hunt alone, but the state’s mentoring program allowed children 10 and up to hunt with an adult. The new law eliminates this age restriction, as well as lifts a ban on hunters carrying multiple firearms when they’re hunting with children.

Licences for the children now able to hunt under the new law went on sale Monday, making Wisconsin the 35th state to have no minimum hunting age.

The bill was introduced in the state legislature in July, but its signing comes just weeks after two mass shootings and amid a national conversation about gun control.

The real story behind that text

Vladimir Putin

Oh, this is hilarious:

One text that Page sent Strzok early on the morning of Nov. 9, 2016, has dominated the conservative media world this week, serving as a springboard for a Republican conspiracy theory suggesting that the nation’s premier law enforcement organization was plotting a coup against Trump within hours of his stunning victory.

“Are you even going to give out your calendars? Seems kind of depressing,” Page, a FBI lawyer, wrote in the text to Strzok from her FBI-issued phone. “Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society.”

Republican lawmakers seized upon the “secret society” reference this week, claiming to see sinister motives, and it started popping up all over cable news chyrons. But, in fact, it was almost certainly a joke, a bit of gallows humor after an election that featured Russian interference.

So what was that “calendars” reference all about? Out of context, it’s a bit confusing. But the backstory is actually kind of funny. The New York Times first reported that the “calendars,” which the Times said had a “Russia theme,” were a gag gift for those working on the early Russia probe.

A source familiar with the text messages filled HuffPost in on the details. It turns out that, as a joke, Strzok had purchased calendars featuring “beefcake” photos of Vladimir Putin doing manly, tough-guy things like riding a horse.

Fox still pushing the alleged FBI plot to take Trump down


Fox Business’ Stuart Varney really pushed the new “secret society” conspiracy theory created by Sen. Johnson or as he put it a “cabal” within the FBI that wants to destroy Trump to Fox News top legal analyst. Stuart Varney defends every conspiracy theory that supports Trump. That’s his job. The Fox Business host always brings on… Continue reading “Fox still pushing the alleged FBI plot to take Trump down”

Shutdown over

schumer too xx

I keep looking for a silver lining here, but even passing CHIP without funding community health centers (which is where 40% or so of CHIP users get services) is only half a loaf:

Eleven states are on track to run out of CHIP funds before the end of February, and the situation gets bleaker in March, when half of states are expected to completely run out of guaranteed money, an analysis by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families found.

Community health centers, like CHIP, can’t wait another month for Congress to resolve the funding crisis — these centers serve anyone who needs care, regardless of their ability to pay or health condition. The National Association of Community Health Centers said they were “extremely disappointed” with the House bill and warned “health centers and their patients are facing considerable damage with each passing day while this matter remains unresolved.”

“Centers are being forced to execute contingency plans resulting in staff layoffs and site closures, and are scaling back critical services including prenatal care, dental services and opioid treatment programs,” NACHC said. “If not resolved soon, this funding cliff will result in a loss of care to approximately 9 million patients, closure of over 2,500 care delivery sites, and a loss of over 50,000 jobs.”

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., cited the lack of funding for community health centers as a chief reason she voted no. “In addition to seriously harming our armed forces, this bill fails to adequately support veterans or fund community health centers, and it leaves hundreds of thousands of Dreamers in a state of uncertainty. Enough is enough,” she said.

Paul Krugman offers this:

Michael Wolff: It’s ’25th Amendment time’ and the GOP ‘knows it’

Michael Wolff – Writing words of fire and fury

After the explosive preview articles and a rushed publish date, there was little question that this week’s bobbleheads would have little else to discuss but Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury”. But here’s the thing about the book: for as much as the Trump administration lashes out and denies it, Wolff isn’t writing anything that hasn’t been… Continue reading “Michael Wolff: It’s ’25th Amendment time’ and the GOP ‘knows it’”

Arranging the deck chairs on the Titantic

This seems a bizarre waste of time and energy, but I’m sure it keeps the people in the cheap seats happy: