Quote of the day

Felix Salmon:

Now that the Republicans can see how much leverage the debt ceiling gives them, they’re going to pull this stunt every time it gets near. The best-case scenario, with a big $2 trillion increase, would mean that we’re going to go through the exact same thing late in 2012; a more modest increase in the debt limit would set up a reprise of the current fiasco much sooner.

And that’s the invidious thing about low-probability events. Repeat the experiment often enough, and eventually they’ll happen. We’ll get a deal done this time. But one day, we won’t. And that day is not going to be a happy one.

The call

This is the movement of religious extremists with which Rick Perry has aligned himself. They believe their prayer rallies can call down the wrath of God and destroy the demons that have possessed that particular area. Oh, they also hate Catholics and Mormons (more demon possession) and the people they convert have to publicly burn the religious artifacts of their former faith. (This rally is in San Diego.) Pretty scary stuff: